Question 5

5.1 TABLE 3 below shows the information about the dams that had above ten millioncubic metres of water in January 2016. The terms “fullest and emptiest” are used toindicate the amount of water in the dam in relation to its capacity. Use TABLE 3 to answer the questions that follow. 5.1.1 Identify the fullest dam … Read more

Question 5

Study the physical and chemical processes below and answer the questions thatfollow. X: H2O(s) → H2O(g)Y: CaCO3(s) ∆ → CaO(s) + CO2(g)Z: Iron + Oxygen → Iron(III) oxide 5.1 Define the term physical change. (2) 5.2 Write down the LETTER of the process that represents the following: 5.2.1 Physical change (1) 5.2.2 Decomposition reaction (1) … Read more

Question 5

A skateboarder, starting from the top of a ramp 4,5 m above the ground, skates downthe ramp, as shown in the diagram below. The mass of the skateboarder and his boardis 65 kg. Ignore the effects of friction. 5.1 Define the term gravitational potential energy in words. (2) 5.2 Calculate the gravitational potential energy of … Read more

Question 5

The reaction of zinc and EXCESS dilute hydrochloric acid is used to investigate factors that affect reaction rate. The balanced equation for the reaction is: The reaction conditions used and the results obtained for each experiment are summarised in the table below.  The same mass of zinc is used in all the experiments. The zinc … Read more

Question 5

SECTION C: SHORT STORIES In this section, questions are set on the following short stories: ‘VILLAGE PEOPLE’ by Bessie Head ‘TRANSFORMING MOMENTS’ by Gcina Mhlophe QUESTION 5 Read the extracts from the TWO short stories below and answer the questions set oneach. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to … Read more

Question 5

In this section, questions are set on the following short stories: ‘NEXT DOOR’ by Kurt Vonnegut ‘THE LAST BREATH’ by Sam Kahiga Read the extracts from the TWO short stories below and answer the questions set oneach. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to theexpected length of your answer … Read more