Question 1

Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Eachquestion has only ONE correct answer. Choose the answer and write only theletter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1–1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, forexample 1.11 E. 1.1 Vector P and vector –P are acting on a common point O. The angle betweenthe two … Read more

Question 1

1.1 According to the Arrhenius theory, all bases …  A) are proton donors.  B) are proton acceptors.  C) form H3O+ ions in solution. D) form OH‾ ions in solution. (2)  1.2 The number of neutrons in an atom of N157 is …  A) 5  B) 7  C) 8  D) 15 (2)  1.3 Which ONE of the following has the strongest forces between its … Read more

Question 1

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.Each question has only ONE correct answer. Choose the answer and write onlythe letter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1–1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK,for example 1.11 E. 1.1 The type of bond formed between a H+ ion and H2O is called a/an … Read more

Question 4

In an experiment to investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature ofan enclosed gas, 48 g of oxygen gas was sealed in a container. The results obtainedare recorded in the table below. 4.1 Draw a graph of pressure versus temperature on the attached ANSWERSHEET. Extrapolate the graph so that it intersects the y-axis. (4) 4.2 … Read more

Question 3

Consider the list of six substances with their formulae and boiling points in the tablebelow. 3.1 Explain why ethanol is soluble in water. Refer to the relative strength of theintermolecular forces in ethanol and water. (3) 3.2 Explain why the boiling point of iodine is higher than that of bromine. Refer tothe intermolecular forces present … Read more