Question 4

Use ANNEXURE B to answer the questions that follow.  4.1.1 Name the type of scale used for the route map. (2) 4.1.2 What type of view is represented on this route map? (2) 4.1.3 Name the general direction of the Groote Schuur Hospital (Tourist Attraction 10) from the starting point of the marathon. (2) 4.1.4 Determine the exact number of medical … Read more

Question 4

Use TABLE 2 to answer the questions that follow. 4.1.1 Determine the difference between the highest and lowest land-speed records that were set between 1950 and 2000. (3) 4.1.2 Determine the number of riders that set new land-speed records from 1930 to 2010. (2) 4.1.3 Identify the TWO years during which the land-speed record remained unbroken … Read more

Question 4

Use TABLE 2 to answer the following questions. 4.1.1 Explain why some data in the table is categorical. (2) 4.1.2 Write down the modal percentage usage for cellphone communication. (3) 4.1.3 Calculate the median percentage usage for Internet communication. (3) 4.1.4 Write down the total percentage of Internet usage in America. (2) 4.1.5 Determine the … Read more

Question 4

ANALYSING A CARTOON Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions. TEXT E 4.1 Refer to FRAME 1. 4.1.1 Where does the conversation between Blondie and her neighbour take place? (1) 4.1.2 State ONE visual clue which has made the neighbour conclude that there is a problem with the lawnmower. (1) 4.1.2 … Read more