mathematics literacy
Question 5
5.1 Thabo sees an advertisement for a fridge at Bill’s Furniture Shop andwants to buy it. He has R5 100, 45 in his bank account. 5.1.1 Identify the capacity of the advertised fridge in milliliters. (3) 5.1.2 Write down the meaning of “interest rate”. (2) 5.1.3 Calculate the amount Thabo owes the furniture shop after … Read more
Question 4
4.1 The learners enjoy the bus ride every morning when going to school provided by the Department of Transport (Scholar Transport). Study the diagram showing the seating arrangement inside the school bus. FIGURE 2: SEATING PLAN INSIDE A SCHOOL BUS 4.1.1 Calculate the number of passenger seats displayed inside the bus. (2) 4.1.2 On the … Read more
Question 3
3.1 Study the pie charts below and answer the questions that follow. FIGURE 1: PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF FIVE LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH, BY AGE GROUP: UNITED STATES, PRELIMINARY 2011 3.1.1 Determine the total number of people aged 25–44 dying from accidents. (2) 3.1.2 Identify the causes of death amongst 1–24 year-old people that are less … Read more
Question 2
2.1.1 Write down the number that appeared on Mr Mambo’s running shirt. (2) 2.1.2 Convert Mr Mambo’s running time to hours. Give your answer to the nearest hour. (3) 2.1.3 Calculate Mr Mambo’s average speed in kilometres per hour. You may use the formula: 2.2 Use ANNEXURE A to answer the following questions. 2.2.1 Write … Read more
Question 5
Victoria went to Sparrow shop to buy few items. She has a loyal card that she uses to earn points when the card is presented at the till. The earned points can be converted to cash to buy some items from the shop when it is needed. Study the till slip below she received from … Read more
Question 4
Table 3 below compares prices of selected food items in the rural and urban areas for January 2015. Study the table and answer the questions that follow: 4.1 Arrange the rural food prices in descending order. (2) 4.2 Determine the median for rural food prices. (2) 4.3 Calculate the range for urban food prices. (3) … Read more