
Question 3

3.1 Dogs are fed according to their weight to keep them healthy. Nikki keeps two dogs,Tiger and Tommy, which weigh 22 kg and 42 kg respectively.Study the dog food specifications label in TABLE 2 below to answer the questionsthat follow. 3.1.1 Calculate the amount of daily minimum food requirements for the twodogs. Give your answer … Read more

Question 3

The vapour pressure versus temperature graph below was obtained for four unknownliquids (A, B, C and D). Atmospheric pressure is measured as 101,3 kPa. 3.1 Define the term boiling point. (2) Use the information given in the graph to answer the questions that follow. 3.2 Write down the: 3.2.1 Boiling point of liquid B (1) … Read more

Question 3

The diagram below shows the positions of an athlete at different time intervals during arace. 3.1 Distinguish between motion with uniform velocity and uniformly accelerated motion. (4) 3.2 What type of motion (motion with uniform velocity or uniformly accelerated motion) is represented by the following intervals? 3.2.1 A to B (1) 3.2.2 B to C … Read more

Question 3

Choose ONE of the following topics and write a shorter transactional text. The body of your response should be between 80 and 100 words in length. Write down the NUMBER and the HEADING of the text you have chosen,e.g. 3.1 DIARY ENTRIES. Spend approximately 30 minutes on this section. 3.1 DIARY ENTRIES Your best friend … Read more

Question 3

SECTION B: DRAMA In this section, contextual questions are set on the following dramas: MACBETH by William Shakespeare MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! by Athol Fugard Answer the question on the drama that you have studied. QUESTION 3: MACBETH Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each.The number of marks … Read more