Question 1

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Write down the question number (1.1–1.10), choose the answer and make a cross (X) over the letter (A–D) of your choice in the ANSWER BOOK. EXAMPLE: 1.1 In a chemical reaction an oxidising agent will … A lose protons.B gain protons.C lose … Read more

Question 7

SECTION D: POETRY In this section there are questions set on the following poems: • ‘Death be not proud’ by John Donne• ‘A prayer for all my countrymen’ by Guy Butler NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH poems, i.e. QUESTION 7.1 AND QUESTION 7.2. QUESTION 7 7.1 Read the poem carefully and then answer … Read more

Question 10

(Start on a new page.) 10.1 A learner is investigating the photoelectric effect for two different metals, silver and sodium, using light of different frequencies. The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is plotted against the frequency of the light for each of the metals, as shown in the graphs below. 10.1.1 Define the … Read more

Question 7

(Start on a new page.) 7.1 In an experiment to verify the relationship between the electrostatic force, FE, and distance, r, between two identical, positively charged spheres, the graph below was obtained. 7.1.1 State Coulomb’s law in words. (2) 7.1.2 Write down the dependent variable of the experiment. (1) 7.1.3 What relationship between the electrostatic … Read more