Question 9

The simplified diagram below represents an electrochemical cell used for the electrolysis of a concentrated sodium chloride solution, NaCℓ(aq). X and Y are carbon electrodes. 9.1 Define the term electrolysis. (2) 9.2 Chlorine gas, Cℓ2(g), is released at electrode X. Write down the:9.2.1 Letter (X or Y) of the electrode where oxidation takes place (1) … Read more

Question 9

In the electrochemical cell below, carbon electrodes are used during the electrolysis of a concentrated sodium chloride solution. The balanced equation for the net (overall) cell reaction is: 2H2O(ℓ) + 2Cℓ ─(aq) → Cℓ2(g) + H2(g) + 2OH─(aq) 9.1 Is the reaction EXOTHERMIC or ENDOTHERMIC? (1) 9.2 Is electrode P the ANODE or the CATHODE? … Read more

Question 9

The simplified diagram below represents an electrochemical cell used for the purification of copper. 9.1 Define the term electrolysis. (2) 9.2 Give a reason why a direct-current (DC) source is used in this experiment. (1) 9.3 Write down the half-reaction which takes place at electrode A. (2) 9.4 Due to small amounts of zinc impurities … Read more

Question 9

9.1 Learners investigated the relationship between potential difference (V) and current (I) for the combination of two resistors, R1 and R2. In one experiment, resistors R1 and R2 were connected in parallel. In a second experiment, resistors R1 and R2 were connected in series. The learners then plotted graph X, the results of one of … Read more