Question 5

5.1 TABLE 3 below shows the information about the dams that had above ten million
cubic metres of water in January 2016. The terms “fullest and emptiest” are used to
indicate the amount of water in the dam in relation to its capacity.

Use TABLE 3 to answer the questions that follow.

5.1.1 Identify the fullest dam with the maximum capacity. (2)

5.1.2 Calculate the difference between the highest fullest dam and the highest
emptiest dam. (3)

5.1.3 Calculate the mean emptiest dam capacity. (3)

5.1.4 Write down the name(s) of the emptiest dams with less than twenty
million cubic metres. (2)

5.1.5 Determine the range capacity for the fullest dams. (2)

5.2 Study TABLE 4 that shows the number of absent Grade 11 learners at Siyo
High School and answer the questions that follow.

5.2.1 Identify the week which had the highest number of absentees. (2)

5.2.2 Use a bar graph to represent the number of learners who were absent
in Week 2. (5)

5.3.1 Determine the probability that the ball randomly selected from the bag
was green. (2)

5.3.2 Express the probability of randomly selecting a blue ball from the bag
as a percentage. Your answer should be rounded off to two decimal
places. (3)


TOTAL: 100

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