Question 2

SECTION B: LONGER TRANSACTIONAL TEXT • Respond to ONE of the following transactional writing tasks.• The body of your response should be between 120 and 150 words in length.• Write down the number and the heading of the text you have chosen, for example 2.1 Letter to the press.• Pay particular attention to format, language, … Read more

Question 2

The success of an event depends on proper planning.   Read the passage (TEXT C) below and list SEVEN tips on how to plan an event successfully.  INSTRUCTIONS  1. Your summary must be written in point form.  2. List your SEVEN points in full sentences, using no more than 70 words. 3. Number your sentences from 1 to 7.  … Read more

Question 2

A student conducted a survey among his friends and relatives to determine the relationship between the age of a person and the number of marketing phone calls he or she received within one month. The information is given in the table below. 2.1 Complete the frequency and cumulative frequency columns in the table given in … Read more

Question 2

Electronegativity of atoms may be used to explain the polarity of bonds. 2.1 Define the term electronegativity. (2) 2.2 Draw the Lewis diagram of an oxygen difluoride molecule. (2) 2.3 Calculate the electronegativity difference between O and F in oxygendifluoride and predict the polarity of the bond. (2) 2.4 A polar bond does not always … Read more