5.1 Read the following passage (TEXT F), which contains some deliberate errors,
and answer the set questions.

5.1.1 Rewrite the following sentence in the singular form:
Animal activists in Port Elizabeth joined thousands around South
Africa to march against canned lion hunting. (2)
5.1.2 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences:
(a) The activists, who say the practise is cruel and inhumane, marched from Kings Beach parking lot to the Town Lodge. (1)
(b) Similar marches was held in East London and Knysna. (1)
(c) They spend most of their lives interracting with humans because they are hand-reared. (1)
(d) These hunters are after the lion’s heads so they can hang them on their walls. (1)
5.1.3 Rewrite the following sentence in direct speech:
The activist said that she thought lions in captivity were groomed for
death. (4)
5.1.4 Provide a synonym for the word threat in the following sentence:
At the end of the day, they don’t view humans as a threat. (1)
5.1.5 Refer to the following sentence:
When a lion sees a hunter carrying a weapon it sees no danger because it’s been around humans all its life.
Write out the contraction. (1)
5.1.6 Rewrite the following sentence as a tag question:
Lions are put in an enclosure that is secured with an electric fence. (1)
5.1.7 Choose the correct answer from the options given.
It dies a slow, painful death.
The function of the comma in the above sentence is to …
A separate a list of adjectives.
B indicate a parenthesis.
C indicate a pause.
D separate a list of nouns. (1)
5.2 Study the text (TEXT G) below and answer the set questions.

5.2.1 Provide ONE word for the underlined words in the following sentence:
Once every year SAGA raises awareness and funds for its See Me Campaign. (1)
5.2.2 Find and write down an acronym from the text above. (1)
5.2.3 Rewrite the following sentence by giving the correct form of each word in brackets.
You can be (support) and provide SAGA with a (donate) to
(assistance) them. (3)
5.2.4 Identify the part of speech, of the underlined word, in the following
Funds are raised for its See Me Campaign. (1)