Question 2

2.1.1 Write down the number that appeared on Mr Mambo’s running shirt. (2)

2.1.2 Convert Mr Mambo’s running time to hours. Give your answer to the nearest hour. (3)

2.1.3 Calculate Mr Mambo’s average speed in kilometres per hour.

You may use the formula:

2.2 Use ANNEXURE A to answer the following questions.

2.2.1 Write down the 47014 train arrival and departure times at Springfontein. (2)

2.2.2 Identify the station where train 73014 arrives during the first hour of the day. (2)

2.2.3 Study the logo of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa as displayed below and answer the questions that follow.

Calculate the area of the shaded part in m2.

You may use the formula:


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