Question 10

10.1 The incomplete equations below show the four steps involved in the industrial preparation of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). A and B represent two compounds. Write down the NAME or FORMULA of:10.1.1 Compound A (1) 10.1.2 Compound B (1) 10.1.3 The catalyst used in Step II (1) The sulphuric acid formed in Step IV is used … Read more

Question 9

The diagrams below show two electrochemical cells in which carbon electrodes are used. In cell A, concentrated copper (II) chloride solution is used and in cell B, liquid aluminium oxide is used. 9.1 What type of electrochemical cell, ELECTROLYTIC or GALVANIC, is shownabove? Give a reason for the answer. (2) 9.2 Write down the:9.2.1 Half-reaction … Read more

Question 8

8.1 When a piece of sodium metal (Na) is added to water in a test tube, hydrogen gas is released. When phenolphthalein indicator is added to the test tube, the solution turns pink. 8.1.1 Define the term reduction in terms of electron transfer. (2) 8.1.2 Write down the reduction half-reaction. (2) 8.1.3 Write down the … Read more

Question 7

Learners prepare a solution of known concentration by dissolving 2 g pure sodium hydroxide crystals, NaOH, in water in a 250 cm3 volumetric flask.7.1 Write down the term for the underlined phrase. (1) 7.2 Calculate the:7.2.1 Concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution (4) 7.2.2 pH of the solution (4) The learners now react 1,5 g … Read more

Question 6

Pure hydrogen iodide gas, HI(g), of concentration 1 mol∙dm-3 , is sealed in a 500 cm3container at temperature T. The reaction reaches equilibrium according to the following balanced equation: 6.1 Define the term chemical equilibrium. (2) 6.2 The graph below shows how the concentrations of the reactant and products vary with time during the reaction. … Read more

Question 5

Two experiments, I and II, are conducted to investigate one of the factors that affects the rate of the reaction of aluminium carbonate, Aâ„“2(CO3)3, with EXCESS hydrochloric acid, HCâ„“. The balanced equation for the reaction is: The apparatus used is shown below. The reaction conditions used for each experiment are as follows: Experiment I:100 cm3 … Read more

Question 3

Learners use compounds A, B and C to investigate one of the factors that influencesthe VAPOUR PRESSURE of organic compounds. 3.1 Define the term vapour pressure. (2) 3.2 Write down the independent variable for this investigation. (1) 3.3 Which compound, A or B, has the higher vapour pressure? (1) 3.4 Fully explain the answer to … Read more

Question 2

The letters A to F in the table below represent six organic compounds. 2.1 Write down the LETTER(S) that represent(s) the following: 2.1.1 A ketone (1) 2.1.2 TWO compounds that are FUNCTIONAL ISOMERS (1) 2.1.3 A hydrocarbon (1) 2.2 For compound D, write down the: 2.2.1 Homologous series to which it belongs (1) 2.2.2 IUPAC … Read more