Two experiments, I and II, are conducted to investigate one of the factors that affects the rate of the reaction of aluminium carbonate, Aℓ2(CO3)3, with EXCESS hydrochloric acid, HCℓ. The balanced equation for the reaction is:

The apparatus used is shown below.

The reaction conditions used for each experiment are as follows:
Experiment I:
100 cm3 of 1,5 mol∙dm-3 HCℓ(aq) reacts with 0,016 mol Aℓ2(CO3)3 granules at 25 °C
Experiment II:
50 cm3 of 2 mol∙dm-3 HCℓ(aq) reacts with 0,016 mol Aℓ2(CO3)3 granules at 25 °C
5.1 Define the term rate of a reaction. (2)
5.2 Using the experimental setup above, state the measurements that must be made to determine the rate of this reaction. (2)
5.3 Use the collision theory to explain how the average reaction rate in Experiment I differs from the average reaction rate in Experiment II. (3)
5.4 The average rate of the reaction in Experiment II during the first 2,5 minutes is 4,4 x 10-3 mol∙min-1.
Calculate the number of moles of Aℓ2(CO3)3 that remains in the flask after 2,5 minutes. (3)
5.5 Calculate the maximum volume of CO2(g) that can be prepared at 25 °C in
Experiment I. Take molar gas volume at 25 °C as 24 000 cm3∙mol-1. (3)