Question 5

LANGUAGE AND EDITING SKILLS 5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, andanswer the set questions. TEXT F 5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers and the words you have corrected. (a) Sand, surf and sun are good for the soul … Read more

Question 4

ANALYSING A CARTOON Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions. TEXT E 4.1 Refer to FRAME 1. 4.1.1 Where does the conversation between Blondie and her neighbour take place? (1) 4.1.2 State ONE visual clue which has made the neighbour conclude that there is a problem with the lawnmower. (1) 4.1.2 … Read more

Question 3

ANALYSING AN ADVERTISEMENT Study the advertisement (TEXT D) below and answer the set questions. TEXT D 3.1 Who is the target audience of this advertisement? (1) 3.2 According to this advertisement, how can one avoid hay fever and allergies? (1) 3.3 Discuss the techniques that the advertiser uses to convey the idea of a horrormovie. … Read more

Question 2

South Africa is facing a water crisis. You have been asked to write an article for your local newspaper on how tosave water. Read TEXT C below and list SEVEN points that you will include in your article on howto save water. INSTRUCTIONS1. Your summary must be written in point form.2. List your SEVEN points … Read more

Question 1

Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions. TEXT A 1.1 Name TWO beliefs that South Africans have about fast foods. (2) 1.2 Identify the TWO organisations that worked together on a study whichsurveyed the salt content in children’s fast food meals in South Africa. (2) 1.3 Quote a SINGLE word … Read more