3.1 Study the map below of Fraser River Area from Haney to the Mouth and answer the questions that follow:

3.1.1 Determine the number of sediment monitoring stations from the map. (2)
3.1.2 Write down the type of monitoring station named Marion (Jacobs) Lake. (2)
3.1.3 Identify the sediment monitoring station that lies between Main Arm and North Arm to join Fraser. (2)
3.1.4 Measure the distance (in a straight line) in centimetres between Haney and NA-2. (2)
3.1.5 Use your measured distance in QUESTION 3.1.4 and the given scale to determine the actual distance between Haney and NA-2 in kilometres. (3)

3.2.1 One of the guests did not want to sit close to the window. Identify the table where this guest may be seated. (2)
3.2.2 Give the general compass direction of Table F from Table H. (2)
3.2.3 Determine the probability that a person randomly chosen will be seated at tables D and G during the ceremony. (2)
3.2.4 One of the guests was asked to walk straight from the door to sit at the second left table. Name the table where this guest will be seated. (2)