
Question 1

1.1 Which ONE of the following compounds has the LOWEST melting point?A. HexaneB. EthaneC. ButaneD. Octane (2) 1.2 When CH2 = CH2 is converted to CH3CH3, the type of reaction is …A. hydration.B. hydrolysis.C. halogenation.D. hydrogenation. (2) 1.3 Which ONE of the following compounds in solution will change the colour ofbromothymol blue?A. CH3CH2CHOB. CH3CH2COOHC. CH3CH2COCH3D. … Read more

Question 1

1.1 Which formula shows the way in which atoms are bonded in a molecule butdoes not show all the bond lines?A. EmpiricalB. MolecularC. StructuralD. Condensed structural (2) 1.2 Which ONE of the following compounds has hydrogen bonds between itsmolecules?A. CH3(CH2)2CH3B. CH3COCH2CH3C. CH3COOCH2CH3D. CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3 (2) 1.3 Consider the compound below. Which ONE of the following is … Read more

Question 1

1.1 Which ONE of the following compounds has hydrogen bonds betweenmolecules?A. PentanalB. Pentan-2-oneC. Pentanoic acidD. Methyl butanoate (2) 1.2 To which homologous series does a compound with molecular formulaC6H12O2 belong?A. KetonesB. AlcoholsC. AldehydesD. Carboxylic acids (2) 1.3 Which functional groups are involved in the formation of esters?A. Formyl and carbonylB. Hydroxyl and carbonylC. Hydroxyl and … Read more

Question 1

1.1 A constant net force acts on an object moving in a straight line. Which ONE ofthe following quantities associated with the object will remain constant duringthe motion?A. VelocityB. MomentumC. AccelerationD. Kinetic energy (2) 1.2 The weight of an object on the surface of the Earth is w. What will be theweight of the object … Read more

Question 1

SECTION A: COMPREHENSION QUESTION 1: READING FOR MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Read TEXT A and TEXT B below and answer the questions set. TEXT A GLOSSARY:1 rhetoric: language used to influence the reader or audience2 cathartic: a psychological term used to refer to expressing one’s emotions to provide relief AND TEXT B QUESTIONS: TEXT A 1.1 … Read more

Question 1

SECTION A: COMPREHENSION GLOSSARYe-waste¹ – discarded electronic equipmentlandfill² – a site for the dumping of waste material 1.1 1. Refer to paragraph How are the new medals of the Olympic Games different from theold ones? (1) 1.1.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:‘clogged up’ (line 5), in the context of this … Read more

Question 1

SECTION A: COMPREHENSION 1.1 Refer to paragraph 1.State ONE benefit of spending less time preparing home-cooked meals. (1) 1.2 Refer to paragraph Using your OWN words, explain why Sarah Collins invented theWonderbag. (2) 1.2.2 Explain why the writer refers to the Wonderbag as a revolutionarycooker. (2) 1.2.3 Why is the following statement FALSE?Raw food … Read more