
Question 1

Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions.


1.1 What do those people who come to see Emma have in common? State TWO
points. (2)

1.2 Selfies,Sexts and Smart phones: Teenager’s Online Survival Guide. State why
these words are written in italics. (1)

1.3 ‘Emma Sadleir, the country’s leading social media lawyer …’ Comment on the
use of the word ‘leading’. (2)

1.4 Explain the term cyber bullying (paragraph 2) in your OWN words. (2)

1.5 Why do you think it is important for parents to warn their children about the
dangers of the internet? State TWO facts. (2)

1.6 Refer to paragraph 3.

The expression ‘tech wizard’ means …

Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.

A completely ignorant about technology.
B a genius at technology.
C totally against using technology.
D excited about using technology. (1)

1.7 Refer to paragraph 3.

State ONE reason why internet posts are never really deleted even after we
have pressed the delete button. (1)

1.8 Give a reason why the following statement is FALSE.

You can always trust your best friend to keep all your messages a secret. (1)

1.9 Quote EIGHT consecutive words from paragraph 4 that show that phones are
stolen to blackmail the owners. (1)

1.10 Refer to paragraph 5.

Why is the word ‘anonymous’ between inverted commas? (1)

1.11 How does an IP address assist the police in finding information about you?
State THREE facts. (3)

1.12 Explain the term ‘hate speech’ in lines 31–32. (2)

1.13 Refer to paragraph 6.

What advice does the writer give to people who are not active in a group? (1)

1.14 Consider the entire passage. Have you learnt any valuable lessons from this
article? Discuss. (2)

1.15 Discuss why the title ‘Technology and our Teenagers’ is appropriate for this
article. (2)


1.16 According to the information, on which social media platform is the
percentage of cyber bullying the highest and the lowest? (2)

1.17 Refer to the information below the heading ‘PARENTS REMAIN

Why do you think it is necessary to include both the images and the data? (2)

1.18 Why, in your opinion, is social media compared to the school yard? (2)


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