Answer Sheet
ANSWER SHEET for QUESTION 2.2.3 NAME and SURNAME: …………………………………………………………………………. GRADE 11: …..
ANSWER SHEET for QUESTION 2.2.3 NAME and SURNAME: …………………………………………………………………………. GRADE 11: …..
4.1 Calculate the difference between the area of the centre circle and the area of one of the semi-circles at the extreme ends of the netball court. 4.2 4.2.1 After the match, the school has an entertainment activity for the guests in the school hall. How many seats are on the left side of the … Read more
3.1 Use the distance table in ANNEXURE B to answer the following questions. 3.1.1 A couple is travelling from Durban to Nelspruit at a speed of 110 km per hour. How long will this journey take them? Give your final answer to the nearest hour and minute. (6) 3.1.2 Determine the median distance between … Read more
2.1 The employer is claiming that he is paying an editor 5% more than a typist for every 100 documents edited. Verify, with calculations, whether the statement is valid or not. (8) 2.2 Use ANNEXURE A that shows the information on the amount of sugar in different types of drinks. 2.2.1 Determine the range of the … Read more
1.1.1 How much will a person with 18 kg of washing pay for washing and drying with Staysoft (fabric softener) and ironing? (5) (a) The family claims that if they can take their washing every Friday to the laundry for washing and drying with Staysoft (fabric softener), instead of hiring a helper, they could save … Read more