Grade 11 Mathematics Literacy 2017 Paper 2
Question 4
4.1.1 Calculate the missing values A and B respectively in the table. (4) 4.1.2 Which population group has fewer females than males? (2) 4.1.3 Write the total number of white males in words. (2) 4.2.1 What is the difference in the number of seats between the left-hand side andthe right-hand side of the theatre? (4) … Read more
Question 3
A compound bar graph below represents salaries of six employees in R100’s for twocompanies. Use the graph to answer the questions below. 3.1 Moesha claims that the mean salary of Company A, is R1 000 more than the meansalary of Company B. Verify, with calculations, whether her statement is valid or not. (6) 3.2 What … Read more
Question 2
2.1 Use TABLE 2 below showing different options with premiums paid and benefits of aninsurance company.TABLE 2 NOTE: Benefits in the table represent money paid out in the event of death for a person 15 years and older Benefits for those younger than 15 years are 75% of the amounts indicated in the table. Premium … Read more
Question 1
1.1 If they wash both cars and microbuses from Monday to Friday, calculate theprobability that they will wash a car. (3) 1.2 Sipho claims that if they wash both cars and microbuses from Monday to Sunday,they will be able to receive more than R4 000. With calculations, show whether hisclaim is valid or not. (10) … Read more