Grade 10 Physical Science 2019 Paper 1
Question 11
In the circuit diagram below, the resistance of the battery, ammeter and connecting wires are negligible. 11.1 Explain the meaning of the following: A current of 5 A (2) 11.2 Calculate the effective resistance of the parallel resistors. (3) 11.3 Which one of the voltmeters, V1 or V2, will show a reading if the switch … Read more
Question 10
The diagram below shows two small identical spheres, P and Q, on insulated stands. The charge on sphere P is -3 × 10-6 C and the charge on sphere Q is unknown. 10.1 Calculate the number of electrons in excess on sphere P. (3) The two spheres are brought into contact and are then returned … Read more
Question 9
A compass is used to determine the poles of a magnet. The compass is placed in different positions around the magnet, as shown below. The dark arrow indicates the north pole of the compass. 9.1 Explain the term ferromagnetic materials. (2) 9.2 Is X a NORTH pole or a SOUTH pole? (1) 9.3 At which … Read more
Question 8
The frequency and corresponding energy of electromagnetic waves are given in the table below. 8.1 Describe how an electromagnetic wave propagates. (2) 8.2 What is the relationship between frequency and energy of an electromagnetic wave, as shown in the table above? (2) 8.3 Calculate the: 8.3.1 Frequency of wave E (3) 8.3.2 Wavelength of wave … Read more
Question 7
A sound wave is produced by a source placed a certain distance from a building as shown below. The echo reaches the source after 8 seconds. The speed of sound in air is 340 m·s-1. 7.1 Define the term longitudinal wave. (2) 7.2 Calculate the distance between the sound source and the building. (4) 7.3 … Read more
Question 6
The diagram below represents a transverse wave produced by source A. 6.1 Define the term amplitude of a wave. (2) 6.2 Write down the amplitude, in metres, of this wave. (1) 6.3 Determine the period of this wave. (1) 6.4 Calculate the: 6.4.1 Speed of the wave if the wavelength is 0,8 m (5) 6.4.2 … Read more
Question 5
A 2 kg ball rolls from rest from point A on a frictionless track ABCD, as shown below. The horizontal section, BC, of the track is 5 cm above the ground. The ball reaches point D, 30 cm above the ground, at a speed of 1,71 m∙s-1. 5.1 Write down ONE term for the following … Read more
Question 4
The velocity-time graph below represents the motion of a car over a time period of 12 seconds. The car initially moves NORTH. 4.1 Define the term velocity. (2) 4.2 Describe the motion of the car from C to E. (3) 4.3 WITHOUT USING EQUATIONS OF MOTION, calculate the: 4.3.1 Distance that the car travels from … Read more
Question 3
An aeroplane touches down on a runway at a velocity of 67 m·s-1, as illustrated below. After 30 seconds the velocity of the aeroplane is 8 m·s-1.The aeroplane then continues at a CONSTANT VELOCITY for a further 800 m before leaving the runway. The length of the runway is 2 000 m. 3.1 Define the … Read more