Question 3

Choose ONE of the following topics and write a short transactional text. The body of your response should be between 80 and 100 words in length. Write down the NUMBER and the HEADING of the text you have chosen, e.g. 3.1 FLYER. Spend approximately 30 minutes on this section. 3.1 FLYER The elderly in your … Read more

Question 2

QUESTION 2 • Respond to ONE of the following longer transactional writing texts.• The body of your response should be between 120 and 150 words in length.• Write down the NUMBER and the HEADING of the text you have chosen,e.g. 2.1 DIALOGUE.• Pay particular attention to format, language and register.• Spend approximately 40 minutes on … Read more

Question 1

QUESTION 1• Write an essay of between 250 and 300 words in length on ONE of the following topics.• Write down the NUMBER and TITLE of the essay you have chosen correctly, e.g. 1.1 Everything was going according to plan when …• Give your own title if your choice is QUESTION 1.7.1 OR 1.7.2.• Spend … Read more

Question 6

In this section, questions are set on the following poems: ‘Sonnet 18’ by William Shakespeare ‘Still I rise’ by Maya Angelou NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH poems, i.e. QUESTION 6.1 AND QUESTION 6.2. 6.1 Read the poem carefully and then answer the questions which follow.    The number of marks allocated to each question … Read more

Question 5

In this section, questions are set on the following short stories: • ‘THE NEW TRIBE’ by Buchi Emecheta• ‘THE FUR COAT’ by Sean O’Faolain Read the extracts from the TWO short stories below and answer the questions set oneach. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to theexpected length of … Read more

Question 4

Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of your answer. NOTE:   Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 4.1 AND QUESTION 4.2. 4.1 EXTRACT G [Thami and Mr M discuss … Read more

Question 3

In this section, there are questions set on the following dramas: MACBETH by William Shakespeare MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! by Athol Fugard Answer ALL the questions on the drama that you have studied. Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each.  The number of marks allocated to each question … Read more

Question 2

Read the extracts from the novel below and answer the questions set on each.  The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of your answer. NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 2.1 AND   QUESTION 2.2. 2.1 EXTRACT C [Mr Utterson visits Dr Lanyon.] … Read more

Question 1

In this section, questions are set on the following novels: • CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY by Alan Paton• STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE by Robert Louis Stevenson Answer ALL the questions on the novel that you have studied. Read the extracts from the novel below and answer the questions set on each.The … Read more

Question 5

5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and  answer the set questions.                           TEXT F 5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write  down ONLY the question numbers and the words you have corrected. (a) What is the difference between emojis and emoticons? (1) (b) Emoticons such … Read more