1.1 Why did Linda Fellowes write a children’s book about rhino poaching? (2)
1.2 In what way is iThemba’s story far from fiction (line 6)? (2)
1.3 Refer to paragraph 2.
Explain why the writer has included statistical information in this paragraph. (2)
1.4 Why do the Chinese attach so much value to the rhino horn? State THREE points. (3)
1.5 What is the writer’s intention in using the words ‘hacking off’ (line 20) instead of cutting off? (2)
1.6 Give a reason why the following statement is FALSE.
Illegal wildlife trade is the largest illegal industry globally. (1)
1.7 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:
The expression, in line 25, “there is ‘no silver bullet’ to stop the scourge”
means there is no …
A quick solution to the problem.
B money to solve the problem
C silver in the bullet.
D effective weapon available. (1)
1.8 Explain why it is necessary to rescue the orphaned calves. (2)
1.9 Find a word in paragraph 7 that has the same meaning as ‘goods that are smuggled illegally’. (1)
1.10 Why has the incident of Rico detecting illegal rhino horn been included in the passage? (2)
1.11 What makes the title, ‘The Rhino Reality’ suitable for this article?
Substantiate your response. (3)
1.12 In your opinion, is enough being done to protect the rhino? Discuss your view. (3)
1.13 According to the picture, what injury has been inflicted on the rhino? (1)
1.14 Refer to the year 2012. Why does a plus sign (+) appear next to the number 560? (2)
1.15 Comment on the effectiveness of the words, ‘LET’S MAKE A DIFFERENCE’ appearing alongside the year 2013. (3)