Question 3


Study the advertisement (TEXT D) and answer the set questions.


  • For one-word answers, write only the question number and the word.
  • For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter
    (A–D) of the correct answer.

3.1 Who is the target audience of this advertisement? (1)

3.2 What product is being advertised? (1)

3.3 Why has the advertiser included the words ‘scientifically formulated’ in the
advertisement? State THREE points. (3)

3.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:
The term ‘toll free’ means …

A the call is expensive.
B it is an international call.
C the call is free.
D a number of calls. (1)

3.5 Mention TWO illnesses that Septogard can help fight. (2)

3.6 In your view, how does the main picture support the message of the
advertisement? Explain fully.

NOTE: In your answer consider both the picture and the text of the
advertisement. (2)

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