Question 2


Read the extracts from the novel below and answer the questions set on each. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of your answer.

NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 2.1 AND QUESTION 2.2.


[Jack arrives with a group of boys on the beach.]

2.1.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches the word in COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–E) next to the question number (2.1.1(a)–2.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.

2.1.2 Refer to lines 1–4 (‘The boy who … the fierce light’).

(a) Why is Jack’s badge different from those of the other boys? (1)

(b) Using your OWN words, state THREE points that these lines reveal about the relationship between Jack and the other choir boys. (3)

2.1.3 Explain why the conch is referred to as ‘the trumpet’ (line 7). (1)

2.1.4 By referring to Ralph’s behaviour in this extract, explain what is revealed about his character. State TWO points. (4)

2.1.5 Explain how the behaviour of the group of cloaked boys changes when their cloaks are removed later in the novel. (2)

2.1.6 Discuss why you think it is wise that the boys choose Ralph and not Jack as their Chief. (3)



[Ralph and Piggy talk about the previous night’s events.]

2.2.1 Refer to lines 1–4 (‘Don’t you understand … was only pretending’).

(a) What is Ralph referring to? (1)

(b) Explain the significance of Ralph and Piggy interrupting each other in these lines. State TWO points. (2)

2.2.2 Write down TWO separate words from the extract which suggest that Ralph both hated and enjoyed the previous night’s events. (2)

2.2.3 Quote FOUR consecutive words from the extract to prove that the following statement is TRUE:

Piggy is looking for an excuse for what happened the previous night. (1)

2.2.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (2.2.4) in the ANSWER BOOK.

The incident referred to in this extract shows how the boys are becoming …

A realistic.
B unrealistic.
C civilised.
D savage. (1)

2.2.5 Jack and his tribe later attack Ralph and his group. Explain why they steal Piggy’s glasses and NOT the conch. (3)

2.2.6 Identify and discuss a theme of the novel which is evident in this extract. (3)

2.2.7 Refer to the novel as a whole.

Refer to Ralph’s words in line 20 (‘I’m frightened. Of us’).

Discuss your views on what exactly it is that Ralph is so scared of.
State the reasons for his fear. (4)


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