
Question 2

Use the information above to answer the questions that follow.

2.1.1 Explain why the inland and coastal fuel prices are not the same (2)

2.1.2    Calculate the missing value S. (3)

2.1.3 Jabu’s vehicle has an average fuel consumption of 7,3 litres per 100 km. Jabu stated that it cost her R50 more for fuel to travel 1 250 km in an inland region than it cost to travel the same distance in the coastal region.

 Verify, showing ALL calculations, whether Jabu’s statement is valid. (5)

2.2.1 Determine the percentage increase in the income received from the fuel levies for 2017/2018. (3)

2.2.2 Calculate (to the nearest billion rand) the total national budgeted income for the financial year 2017/2018 if the ratio of the income received from fuel levies to other income received is 7 : 118. (4)

Use ANNEXURE C to answer the questions that follow.

2.3.1 Identify the country that is the median of the percentage mean income spent on fuel. (2)

2.3.2 Determine the interquartile range of the mean income spent on fuel. (4)

2.3.3 Give ONE valid reason why the sample is considered unbiased with respect to the percentage mean income spent on fuel. (2)

2.3.4 Determine the difference (in Russian trouble) between the mean daily wage in India and South Africa. (6)

2.3.5 A learner’s solution for calculating the range (in rand per gallon) of the mean fuel prices is shown below.

Verify, showing ALL calculations, whether the learner’s solution is correct.  (6)


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