
Question 5

QUESTION 5: LANGUAGE AND EDITING SKILLS 5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions. TEXT F 5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers (5.1.1(a)–(d)) and the words you have corrected. (a) The amount of hidden sugar … Read more

Question 4

QUESTION 4: ANALYSING A CARTOON Read the cartoon (TEXT E) below and answer the set questions. TEXT E 4.1 Refer to frame 1. What visual clue does the cartoonist use to show that Hägar is emphasising his statement? (1) 4.2 Refer to frame What TWO visual techniques does the cartoonist use to show the … Read more

Question 3

SECTION C: LANGUAGEQUESTION 3: ANALYSING AN ADVERTISEMENT Study the advertisement (TEXT D) and answer the set questions. TEXT D 3.1 Who is the target audience of this advertisement? Give a reason for your answer. (2) 3.2 What does the advertiser mean by, ‘GIVE THEM THE LIFT THEY NEED’? (2) 3.3 Why has the advertiser included … Read more

Question 2

SECTION B: SUMMARY QUESTION 2 You have been asked to deliver a motivational speech to your youth group on how tochange bad habits. Read the passage below (TEXT C) and list SEVEN points that you will include in thetext of your speech on how to change bad habits. INSTRUCTIONS Your summary must be written in … Read more

Question 1

SECTION A: COMPREHENSIONQUESTION 1Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions. TEXT A NOTE:• Answer ALL the questions in your OWN WORDS.• For one-word answers, write only the question number and the word.• For multiple-choice questions, write only the question number and the letter (A–D) of the correct answer 1.1 Refer … Read more