Question 3

Learners conduct an experiment to investigate the effects of intermolecular forces onboiling points. They use 20 mℓ of each of the following compounds in theirinvestigation: water, sunflower oil, nail polish remover, glycerine and methylated spirits.The results are shown in the table below: 3.1 Define the term boiling point. (2) 3.2 Formulate an investigative question for … Read more

Question 2

Electronegativity of atoms may be used to explain the polarity of bonds. 2.1 Define the term electronegativity. (2) 2.2 Draw the Lewis diagram of an oxygen difluoride molecule. (2) 2.3 Calculate the electronegativity difference between O and F in oxygendifluoride and predict the polarity of the bond. (2) 2.4 A polar bond does not always … Read more

Question 1

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.Each question has only ONE correct answer. Choose the answer and write onlythe letter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1–1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK,for example 1.11 E. 1.1 The type of bond formed between a H+ ion and H2O is called a/an … Read more