Question 2

2.1 The following diagram shows a cylindrical lamp shade. Use the information toanswer the questions that follow 2.1.1 Explain the term circumference in this context. (2) 2.1.2 Determine the radius of the lamp shade in centimetres. (3) 2.1.3 Hence, calculate the circumference of the lamp shade in centimetres. (2) 2.1.4 A worker stated that the … Read more

Question 1

1.1 Study the following thermometers and answer the questions that follow. 1.1.1 Write down the temperature reading in degrees Celsius (°C) of thermometer 1. (2) 1.1.2 Identify the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F), if the temperature in degreesCelsius (°C) is 35. (2) 1.1.3 Use thermometer 2 and write down the minimum temperature in degreesFahrenheit (°F) … Read more