5.1 Determine the number of eggs that did not hatch in December. (2)
5.2 Calculate the mean number of eggs in incubators for the 2016–2017 period. (3)
5.3 Write down the modal value for the number of eggs in the incubators on the first of
the month. (2)
5.4 Determine the range of the Poults hatched the entire month during the 2016–2017
period. (2)
5.5 Calculate the median of the Poults hatched for the entire month during the
2016–2017 period. (3)
5.6 Express the number of hatched poults during the entire month of March as a ratio to
the total hatched during 2016–2017 period. (3)
5.7 Determine the probability, as a percentage, of randomly selecting the number of
eggs in an incubator during July. (3)
5.8 Name the type of graph that can best display the above information. (2)
TOTAL: 100