
Question 1


Read the passage below (TEXT A) and answer the set questions.



1.1 Refer to paragraph 1.

1.1.1 What disease did Nosiphiwo suffer from? (1)

1.1.2 State what Nosiphiwo’s ambition was as a child. (1)

1.1.3 What did Nosiphiwo’s father do for a living? (1)

1.1.4 In your OWN words explain what is meant by, ‘to supplement the family’s meagre income’. (2)

1.2 Refer to paragraph 2.

1.2.1 Quote a word that means, ‘courage’. (1)

1.2.2 What is meant by, ‘she will proudly don her white coat’? (1)

1.3 Refer to paragraph 3.

1.3.1 State the name of the treatment that Ntenge received at the Red Cross Hospital. (1)

1.3.2 The word ‘remission’ means …
A to be completely cured.
B to cancel an appointment.
C to shorten your visit to the doctor.
D a lessening of the severity of an illness. (1)

1.3.3 Why was Ntenge referred, specifically, to the Paediatric Oncology Clinic at the Livingstone Hospital? (2)

1.3.4 Who inspired Nosiphiwo to become a doctor? (1)

1.4 Refer to paragraph 4.

1.4.1 State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE and quote a SENTENCE to prove your answer. Ntenge worked earnestly throughout her school career towards her ambition. (1)

1.4.2 Why was it necessary for Ntenge to work very hard at school? (2)

1.5 Provide a reason why Siyanda is Nosiphiwo’s role model. (1)

1.6 At which university did Ntenge study medicine? (1)

1.7 Quote SIX consecutive words that suggest that Nosiphiwo also attended school at Douglas Mbopha. (1)

1.8 Refer to the title of the passage.
Discuss the writer’s effective use of the words ‘beats odds’ in relation to the
text. (2)

1.9 Explain how Dr Daniels can be seen as a father figure to Nosiphiwo.
Mention TWO facts. (2)

1.10 State TWO character traits that Ntenge possesses. (2)


Support The Sunflower Fund National Bandana Day and help save the lives of patients suffering with life-threatening blood disorders like leukaemia.

NOTE: When answering the questions, use your own words as far as possible,unless you are asked for a quotation.

1.11 Mention TWO outlets where you can purchase your bandana. (2)

1.12 Comment on the writer’s use of the words ‘giving someone a future’. (2)

1.13 Has the advertiser’s message been conveyed successfully? Discuss your
view. (2)


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