
Question 4

4.1.1 Calculate the missing values A and B respectively in the table. (4)

4.1.2 Which population group has fewer females than males? (2)

4.1.3 Write the total number of white males in words. (2)

4.2.1 What is the difference in the number of seats between the left-hand side and
the right-hand side of the theatre? (4)

4.2.2 Determine the seats for the handicapped as a percentage of the total number
of seats on the right-hand side of the theatre. Your answer should be rounded
off to two decimal places. (3)

4.3.1 Anda travels on the N2 route between Butterworth and Mount Frere. She
claims that if she travels at an average speed of 105 kilometres per hour and
leaves Butterworth at 7:00 am, she will be able to be on time in Mount Frere
for a meeting that starts at 9:30 am. With the necessary calculations, show
whether her claim is valid or not. Give your answer in hours and minutes.(8)

You may use the following formula:

4.3.2 Anda works for a company which pays her a rate of R2,82 per kilometre for
transport cost. This is a rate after an increment of 6,8%. How much did she
get for a return trip between Butterworth and Mount Frere before the
increment? Express your answer to the nearest rand. (6)

4.3.3 Which other roads on the map except for the N2 can be used to travel on? (2)
TOTAL: 100

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