Two charged spheres, X and Y, are placed in a vacuum at a distance of 0,04 m apart.
8.1 Draw the resulting electric field pattern between the two charges. (3)
8.2 Calculate the electrostatic force sphere X experiences due to the charge on sphere Y. (4)
8.3.1 If sphere Y is at a fixed position and sphere X is free to move, will the acceleration experienced by sphere X towards sphere Y be constant? Write down YES or NO. (1)
8.3.2 Explain the answer to QUESTION 8.3.1 by referring to the electric field and the force. (2)
A third sphere, Z, with a charge of -4 µC, is placed at right angles to sphere X and at a distance of 0,03 m from sphere X.
8.4 Calculate the magnitude of the net force on sphere X due to sphere Y and sphere Z. (4)