5.1 Read the poem carefully and then answer the questions which follow. The
number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected
length of you answer.

5.1.1 Refer to Stanza 2: Lines 1–2. (‘There’s little Tom…a lamb’s back;’)
(a) Identify the figure of speech in the above lines. (1)
(b) What two things are compared? (2)
(c) What does the lamb symbolise? (1)
5.1.2 Refer to stanza 3.
Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
Write ONLY the letter (A–D) next to the question number (5.1.2) in
your ANSWER book.
In these lines Tom’s dreams represent his …
A excitement.
B fears.
C joy.
D dignity. (1)
5.1.3 Refer to stanza 3.
Explain in your OWN words why the chimney is referred to as ‘coffins
of black’. (2)
5.1.4 Account for the underlined word ‘thousands’ in stanza 3. (1)
5.1.5 Give TWO possible reasons why Tom was ‘happy & warm’ in the last
stanza. (2)
5.1.6 Write down the rhyme scheme that is evident throughout the poem. (1)
5.1.7 Identify and discuss the theme that is evident in this poem. (3)
5.1.8 Is the title of the poem, The Chimney Sweeper, relevant or not?
Discuss your view. (3)
5.2 Read the following poem and then answer them questions set on it.

5.2.1 Refer to the structure of the poem.
(a) What type of sonnet is this? (1)
(b) Discuss the structure of the poem. (2)
5.2.2 Refer to lines 1–4. (‘Earth has not … a garment, wear’)
(a) Why does the poet start in the negative? (1)
(b) In the context of the poem, explain the significance of the colon (:)
at the end of line 1. (1)
(c) Quote FIVE consecutive words to emphasise how the author was
in awe of what he has seen. (1)
5.2.3 Refer to line 7. (‘Open unto the … to the sky;’)
In your OWN words explain what the poet wants to reveal to the
reader. (2)
5.2.4 Refer to lines 4–5. (‘This City now … of the morning;’)
(a) Identify the figure of speech used here. (1)
(b) Explain this figure of speech. (2)
5.2.5 Refer to lines 10–14.
(a) Write down the TWO non-human things that are personified in
these lines. (2)
(b) Use your OWN words to explain the exclamation mark used in
‘Dear God!’ (line 13). (2)
5.2.6 One of the themes of this poem is, ‘Awe and Amazement’. Discuss this
theme with reference to the poem as a whole. (4)