
Question 5


In this section, questions are set on the following short stories:

  • ‘VILLAGE PEOPLE’ by Bessie Head
  • ‘TRANSFORMING MOMENTS’ by Gcina Mhlophe


Read the extracts from the TWO short stories below and answer the questions set on
each. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the
expected length of your answer.

NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 5.1 AND


[The young girl’s thoughts in Summer sun.]

5.1.1 Show the differences in behaviour of the mother and the child in
lines 1–2 (‘She has to … reason at all’). (2)

5.1.2 Refer to line 3 (‘My geography book … wonder and wonder’).

(a) Who has given the speaker the geography book? (1)

(b) What is the significance of the geography book in this short
story? (2)

5.1.3 Refer to line 7 (‘How can we live like this?’).

(a) What tone would the speaker use in these lines? (1)

(b) Why would the speaker use this tone in these lines? (1)

5.1.4 Refer to line 12 (‘All day long … like on death’).

(a) Identify the figure of speech in this line. (1)

(b) Explain why this figure of speech is relevant to the short story. (2)

5.1.5 Why are goats (line 13) so popular in the drought-stricken area? (2)

5.1.6 Using your OWN words, explain the meaning of lines 16–17
(‘The quiet talk … heaven come together’). (2)

5.1.7 The young girl in this extract can be admired.

Discuss your view. (3)


[The speaker relates the story of the boy from Port Elizabeth.]

5.2.1 How do we know that the speaker in this short story is clever?

State TWO points. (2)

5.2.2 What is the English teacher’s reaction when the boy from Port
Elizabeth (lines 2−3) becomes the speaker’s boyfriend?

State TWO points. (2)

5.2.3 Why does the speaker think the boy from Port Elizabeth is crazy
(line 5)? (2)

5.2.4 Refer to lines 15–16 (‘Many girls looked … behind my back’).

(a) Choose the correct answer to complete the following
sentence. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question
number (5.2.4) in the ANSWER BOOK.

‘To look the other way’ (line 15), means to …

A admire something.
B look unsure.
C look lonely.
D deliberately ignore. (1)

(b) Explain why ‘unkind remarks’ (line 16) are whispered behind
the speaker’s back. (2)

5.2.5 Why is the following statement FALSE?

Father Fikeni pays for the speaker’s education. (1)

5.2.6 What does this extract reveal about the boy’s character?

Substantiate your answer. (2)

5.2.7 One of the themes in this short story is self-discovery.

Discuss how this theme is relevant to the speaker. (3)

5.2.8 The speaker is justified in wanting to be like Mrs Fikeni.

Discuss your view. (3)


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