Question 4

4.1 The following number patter is given: 13 ; 27 ; 45 ; 67 ; …

4.1.1 Is this a quadratic number pattern? Justify your answer with relevant calculations. (2)

4.1.2 Determine the general term, Tn , of the quadratic number pattern. (4)

4.1.3 Calculate the value of T100. (2)

4.1.4 The first difference between two consecutive terms of the quadratic number

pattern is 110. Determine the value of these two terms. (5)

4.1.5 Show that ALL the terms of this quadratic number pattern will be odd numbers. (2)

4.2 4 ; x ; y ; -11 are the first four terms of a quadratic number pattern.

are the first three first differences of the same quadratic number pattern.

Calculate the values of p, x and y. (5)


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