Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of your answer.
NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 4.1 AND QUESTION 4.2.
[Thami and Mr M discuss The People.]
4.1.1 Complete the following sentences by using the words in the list below. Write only the word next to the question numbers (4.1.1(a) to 4.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.
Thami and Isabel prepare for the (a) … quiz which will be held at (b) … They discuss (c) … poems among others, Ozymandias. This leads to a (d) … conversation between Thami and Mr M. (4)
4.1.2 Refer to lines 1−2 (‘There are quite … to be toppled’). Explain the meaning of these lines. (2)
4.1.3 Refer to lines 3–4 (‘We won’t leave …bring them down’).
(a) Identify the figure of speech in this line. (1)
(b) Explain the meaning of this figure of speech in the context of the play. (2)
4.1.4 To whom does ‘The People’ (line 9) refer? (1)
4.1.5 Refer to lines 10−11 (‘The People … with a capital P’)
(a) Identify the tone Mr M uses in these lines. (1)
(b) Why does Mr M use this tone? (1)
4.1.6 Using your OWN words, explain what Mr M means by, ‘My black skin doesn’t confer automatic membership’ (lines 14–15). (2)
4.1.7 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (4.1.7) in the ANSWER BOOK.
Miss Brockway is Isabel’s …
A relative.
B teacher.
C principal.
D comrade. (1)
4.1.8 Do you agree with Mr M that ‘pulling down statues’ is not the solution to freedom in this drama, My Children! My Africa!?
Discuss your view. (3)
[Isabel meets with Thami.]
4.2.1 Isabel agrees to meet Thami because she wants answers to her questions.
What does Isabel want to know from Thami (line 1)? State TWO points. (2)
4.2.2 Refer to line 10 (‘Now …?’).
If you were the director of this play, what would you tell Thami to do when saying this word? State TWO points. (2)
4.2.3 Explain the irony of Thami’s words in line 23 (‘I’m heading north’). (2)
4.2.4 Why is the following statement FALSE? Mr M rents a room from Mrs Makatini in Brakwater. (1)
4.2.5 Why does Thami suggest Isabel should go to the Wapadsberg Pass? (2)
4.2.6 What does this extract reveal about Isabel’s character? Explain your answer. (2)
4.2.7 One of the themes in the drama, My Children! My Africa!, is the generation clash.
Discuss this theme. (3)
4.2.8 In this drama, Isabel is seen as a symbol of hope for South Africa. Discuss your view. (3)