
Question 3

An aeroplane touches down on a runway at a velocity of 67 m·s-1, as illustrated below. After 30 seconds the velocity of the aeroplane is 8 m·s-1.
The aeroplane then continues at a CONSTANT VELOCITY for a further 800 m before leaving the runway. The length of the runway is 2 000 m.

3.1 Define the term vector. (2)

3.2 Convert 67 m∙s-1 to km∙h-1. (1)

3.3 Calculate the:

3.3.1 Acceleration of the aeroplane during the first 30 seconds (4)

3.3.2 Distance travelled by the aeroplane during the first 30 seconds (4)

3.3.3 Time taken by the aeroplane to travel the 800 m (3)

3.3.4 Length of the runway NOT USED when the aeroplane leaves the runway (2)

3.4 Pilots should take weather conditions, such as wind and rain, into account when they calculate landing speed.

3.4.1 How should a pilot adapt the landing speed if the surface of the runway is wet? Choose from INCREASES, DECREASES or REMAINS THE SAME. (1)

3.4.2 Explain the answer to QUESTION 3.4.1 by referring to the stopping distance in relation to the landing speed. (2)


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