Learners use compounds A, B and C to investigate one of the factors that influences
the VAPOUR PRESSURE of organic compounds.

3.1 Define the term vapour pressure. (2)
3.2 Write down the independent variable for this investigation. (1)
3.3 Which compound, A or B, has the higher vapour pressure? (1)
3.4 Fully explain the answer to QUESTION 3.3.
Include the TYPES OF INTERMOLECULAR FORCES in your explanation. (4)
3.5 The graph below represents the relationship between vapour pressure and
temperature for compound A at sea level. X and Y represent different Temperatures.

3.5.1 Write down the term for the temperature represented by X. (1)
3.5.2 State the phase of compound A at temperature Y. Choose from
3.5.3 Redraw the graph above in your ANSWER BOOK. On the same
set of axes, sketch the curve that will be obtained for compound C.
Clearly label curve A and curve C. (2)