3.1 The boiling point of compounds A to E are given in the table below.

3.1.1 Define the term boiling point. (2)
3.1.2 Calculate the molecular mass of compound D. (1)
3.1.3 In what phase is compound B at 25 °C? (1)
3.1.4 Name the type of intermolecular force present in compound A. (1)
3.1.5 Explain why the boiling point increases from compound A to E. (3)
3.1.6 How does the vapour pressure of compound B compare to the vapour pressure of compound C? Write down only HIGHER THAN, LOWER THAN or EQUAL TO. (1)
3.2 Consider the boiling points of the compounds in the table below.

3.2.1 Which ONE of the substances in the table above has the weakest forces between its molecules? (1)
3.2.2 Name the type of intermolecular force found between NH3 molecules. (1)
3.2.3 Explain the following statement:
Although the shape of the molecules of H2S and H2O is similar, there is a remarkable difference in their boiling points. (4)