
Question 2

  • Respond to ONE of the following longer transactional writing texts.
  • The body of your response should be between 120 and 150 words in length.
  • Write down the NUMBER and the HEADING of the text you have chosen,
    e.g. 2.1 FRIENDLY LETTER.
  • Pay particular attention to format, language and register.
  • Spend approximately 40 minutes on this section.


Your friend is planning to bring his/her family on holiday to your province.
He/She has written a letter to you asking for information on some of the
places of interest to visit in your province.

Write a letter to your friend informing him/her of some of the places of interest
they could visit while on holiday. [30]


The book club that you belong to is promoting reading among the youth in
your school. The chairperson of this book club has asked you to deliver
a speech at the next school assembly. Your speech must focus on the
importance of reading.

Write the speech that you will deliver. [30]


The following is an extract from the curriculum vitae of Zanele Chiba,
a 20-year-old female, who is a volunteer worker at a hospital.

Zanele is responding to an advertisement in her local newspaper for the
position of caregiver. She will have to submit her full curriculum vitae as well
as other relevant documents with her application.

Using the format of a formal letter, write the COVERING LETTER that Zanele
will send with her application. The covering letter should be addressed to: The
Manager of Sunshine Nursing Home for The Elderly. [30]


Many adults believe that social media has a negative influence on teenagers.
However, social media also has many benefits for teenagers.

Write an article for a local newspaper in which you provide information on the
benefits of social media for teenagers. [30]


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