Question 1

1.1.1 Describe briefly what Gabriel Oak’s occupation was before and the one he hopes to have as it appears in this text. (2)

1.1.2 Quote FOUR consecutive words to prove that Gabriel will not struggle
to find a job. (1)

1.1.3 Explain why the following statement is FALSE.
Gabriel roams around purposelessly in dodgy places. (1)

1.1.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write
ONLY the letter (A–D) next to the question number (1.1.4) in the ANSWER BOOK.

Gabriel’s situation has made him more …
A careless.
B irresponsible.
C mature.
D extravagant. (1)

1.1.5 Refer to lines 10–11. (‘He then went … large rural connection.’)
(a) Why do you think Gabriel would go to a ‘ready-made clothes’ shop? (1)
(b) Explain what ‘large rural connection’ tells us about the owner of the shop. (1)

1.1.6 Refer to lines 14–16. (‘This transaction having … crook in hand.’)
(a) Explain why Gabriel is hurrying off to the centre of the town. (1)
(b) Briefly discuss the significance of the crook. (1)

1.1.7 Discuss the theme of law of nature as it appears in the novel. (3)

1.1.8 With reference to the extract, why are the farmers not eager to employ Gabriel as a bailiff? (3)

1.1.9 Do you sympathise with Gabriel in this extract?
Discuss your views. (3)


1.2.1 Refer to the extract as a whole.
(a) What time of day do you think it is? (1)
(b) Quote FOUR consecutive words from the text to prove your answer in (a). (1)

1.2.2 Refer to lines 1–2. (‘In the meantime … and quite deserted.’)
(a) Identify the tone in these lines. (1)
(b) Explain why the tone is appropriate in these lines. (1)

1.2.3 Explain the reason for the doctor’s visit to the house. (2)

1.2.4 Refer to line 7. (‘This was astonishing information.’)
(a) What information is referred to in this line? (1)
(b) Explain what Bathsheba was supposed to have done. (2)

1.2.5 Refer to lines 11–13. (‘But she said … crowners in England.’)
Discuss the irony in Bathsheba’s decision at this stage of the story. (2)

1.2.6 Explain what this extract reveals about Bathsheba’s character. (3)

1.2.7 Discuss the suitability of the title ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ as it
appears in this extract. (3)


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