• Write an essay of between 250 and 300 words in length on ONE of the following
• Write down the NUMBER and TITLE of the essay you have chosen correctly,
e.g. 1.1 Everything was going according to plan when …
• Give your own title if your choice is QUESTION 1.7.1 OR 1.7.2.
• Spend approximately 80 minutes on this section.
1.1 Everything was going according to plan when… [50]
1.2 ‘We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to
make a difference.’ – Nelson Mandela [50]
1.3 Hidden treasure [50]
1.4 ‘Go for it now. The future is promised to no-one.’ – Dr Wayne Dyer [50]
1.5 You do not need someone else’s approval to feel good about yourself. [50]
1.6 Beyond these walls [50]
1.7 Choose ONE of the following pictures and write an essay on a topic that
comes to mind. Write the question number (1.7.1 OR 1.7.2) and give your
essay a suitable title.
NOTE: There must be a clear link between your essay and the picture you
have chosen.