Question 1

1.1 What is the meaning of the hashtag symbol (#) that is found next to certain prices? (2)

1.2 Calculate the total cost of the hamburger buns. (2)

1.3 Write the cost of one bag of jellybeans as a ratio to the cost of one bag of chips.

Give your answer as a simplified ratio. (2)

1.4 Show how the VAT amount of R123,79 has been calculated. (3)

1.5 Mrs Afrika decided to display the birthdays of every child that she teaches in a graph. Study the graph given below and answer the questions that follow.

1.51 Name the type of graph that Mrs Afrika used. (2)

1.5.2 How many learners does Mrs Afrika teach in total? (2)

1.5.3 Write down the month(s) in which the second-most birthdays are celebrated. (2)


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