Read BOTH TEXT A and TEXT B and answer the set questions.
GLOSSARY: Sub-Saharan Africa¹ – African countries that are located south of the
Sahara Desert
1.1 Refer to paragraph 1.
1.1.1 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence:
The ‘twenty-first century’ extends from the years …
A 1800 to 1899.
B 1900 to 1999.
C 2000 to 2099.
D 2100 to 2199.(1)
1.1.2 Quote TWO consecutive words from paragraph 1 which mean the
same as ‘elderly people.(1)
1.2 Refer to paragraph 2.
What does ‘by 2100, one … will live in Africa’ (lines 6–7) suggest about the
population of Africa?(1)
1.3 Refer to paragraph 3.
What does the writer mean by ‘Africa’s so-called “youth bulge” … massive
economic growth’ (lines 9–10)?(2)
1.4 Refer to paragraph 4.
1.4.1 Suggest why the writer repeats the word, ‘thirteen’.(2
1.4.2 Explain why the following statement is FALSE.
The children’s shoes are in a good condition.(1)
1.5 Refer to paragraph 5.
1.5.1 What does the writer mean by, ‘The thirteen young lives that orbit
around her …’ (line 17)?(1)
1.5.2 Explain what Masala’s words, ‘This is my … no to them’
(lines 20–21) suggest about her character. (2)
1.6 Refer to paragraph 6.
What does Isabella Aboderin mean by, ‘skills and knowledge transfer’
lines 24–25)? (2)
1.7 Refer to paragraph 9.
1.7.1 Why does the writer use the word ‘trickling’ in line 39? (1)
1.7.2 Name TWO activities that the elderly participate in at the IKUSASA
LETHU youth organisation. (2)
1.8 Refer to paragraph 11.
1.8.1 State TWO ways in which Angelina Majoro assists Masala every
week. (2)
1.8.2 Explain the reasons for ‘granny’s frustrations’ (line 50). (2)
1.9 Discuss whether paragraph 12 is an appropriate conclusion to this passage. (2)
1.10 Discuss the suitability of the title, ‘AIDING THE YOUTH BY AIDING THE
*insomnia: sleeplessness
1.11 Refer to VISUAL 1.
State TWO visual clues which indicate that the person is experiencing
insomnia. (2)
1.12 Why is VISUAL 3 included in this text? (1)
1.13 What tip is suggested in VISUAL 5? (1)
1.14 Discuss whether the inclusion of VISUAL 6 is effective in TEXT B. (2)