Grade 10 Physical Science 2019 Paper 2
Question 8
QUESTION 8 (Start on a new page.) The simplified diagram below represents the water cycle. Condensation andevaporation are two of the processes in the water cycle. 8.1 Define the term: 8.1.1 Condensation (2) 8.1.2 Evaporation (2) 8.2 Write down the name of: 8.2.1 Process A (1) 8.2.2 Process B (1) 8.2.3 Process C (1) 8.2.4 … Read more
Question 7
QUESTION 7 (Start on a new page.) 7.1 The relationship between conductivity and the concentration of ions in two electrolytes, NaCℓ(aq) and CaCℓ 2 (aq), of the SAME concentration are investigated. 7.1.1 Define the term electrolyte. (2) 7.1.2 Is the water molecule POLAR or NON-POLAR? Give a reason for the answer. (2) 7.1.3 For this … Read more
Question 6
QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.) 6.1 The first step in the extraction of zinc from zinc sulphide (ZnS) is thecombustion of ZnS in oxygen. The balanced equation for the reaction is: 6.1.1 Is the reaction above EXOTHERMIC or ENDOTHERMIC? Give a reason for the answer. (2) Oxygen gas consists of oxygen molecules. 6.1.2 … Read more
Question 5
QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.) Consider the compound Aℓ2 (SO4)3 . 5.1 Write down the NAME of the compound above. (1) 5.2 Define the term molar mass. (2) 5.3 Calculate the following for Aℓ2 (SO4 )3 : 5.3.1 Its molar mass (2) 5.3.2 Its percentage composition (3) 5.3.3 The number of moles present … Read more
Question 4
QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.) A section of the periodic table is shown below. Imaginary symbols are used torepresent some of the elements. 4.1 Write down the IMAGINARY SYMBOL, as shown above, of the element that: 4.1.1 Is a halogen (1) 4.1.2 Will form a cation with a charge of +2 (1) 4.1.3 … Read more
Question 3
QUESTION 3 (Start on a new page.) 3.1 The three isotopes of magnesium are Mg-24, Mg-25 and Mg-26. The percentage abundance of the three isotopes is 80%, 10% and 10% respectively. 3.1.1 Define the term isotope. (2) 3.1.2 Calculate the relative atomic mass of magnesium. (4) 3.1.3 The number of protons and electrons, the mass … Read more
Question 2
Most elements found on Earth are metals. All metals have a metallic structure. 2.1 For a metallic structure, write down the: 2.1.1 Type of particles present (2)2.1.2 Type of chemical bond formed between particles (1) 2.2 In which region on the periodic table are metals found? Choose from LEFT or RIGHT. (1) 2.3 Write down … Read more
Question 1
QUESTION 1: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choosethe answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question numbers (1.1 to 1.10) inthe ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.11 E. Each question has only ONE correct answer. 1.1 Nitrogen gas is an example of a/an … A element. … Read more