In the circuit diagram below, the resistance of the battery, ammeter and connecting wires are negligible.
11.1 Explain the meaning of the following:
A current of 5 A (2)
11.2 Calculate the effective resistance of the parallel resistors. (3)
11.3 Which one of the voltmeters, V1 or V2, will show a reading if the switch is open? (1)
Switch S is now CLOSED.
11.4 How does the reading on voltmeter V2 compare to that on voltmeter V1? Choose from HIGHER THAN, SMALLER THAN or EQUAL TO. (1)
11.5 Calculate the current in the circuit if 0,3 C passes through the ammeter in 2 s. (3)
11.6 The potential difference across resistor R is 5 V when a charge of 0,3 C flows through it. Calculate the energy transferred in resistor R. (3)
TOTAL: 150