
Question 2

Read the following extracts from the novel and answer the questions set on each.
The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected
length of your answer.

NOTE: Answer questions in your own words unless you are asked to quote.
Answer questions set on FOUR extracts, i.e. QUESTION 2.1,


[The shooting inside the mine.]

2.1.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches a name in
Column A. Write only the letter (A–E) next to the question
numbers (2.1.1(a) to 2.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.

2.1.2 Refer to line 1. (’ They’re supposed to catch us.’)

(a) Who is ‘us’ in line 1? (1)

(b) Explain why these people are supposed to be caught. (2)

2.1.3 Refer to lines 7–8. (‘Wena, trust me, … them in action.’)

(a) What tone would Regile use in this line? (1)

(b) Why would Regile use this tone in this line? (1)

2.1.4 Quote SIX consecutive words to show that Regile is no longer
bothered by the dangers of the mine. (1)

2.1.5 What does this extract reveal about Taiba’s character at this

Substantiate your answer (2)

2.1.6 Refer to lines 13–14. (‘It would only … over the mine.’)

What would be the difference for Regile if the mine was taken
over by another syndicate? (2)

2.1.7 Discuss the theme of innocence as evident in this extract. (3)



[The recruits are taken out of the mine.]

2.2.1 Refer to lines 6–7. (‘I have to carry Aires again’.)

Explain why Regile must carry Aires. (2)

2.2.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number
(2.2.2) in the ANSWER BOOK.

Mahlori refers to the security in the context of the story as
‘security scum’ because …

A) they are dirty.
B) he dislikes them.
C) they work with the police.
D) they carry dead bodies. (1)

2.2.3 Refer to line 11. (‘Mostly foreign fools.’)

Explain why Mahlori calls these people ‘foreign fools’. (2)

2.2.4 Refer to line 14. (‘No Faceman. That … rattle of sunglasses.’)

(a) Who is Faceman? (1)

(b) Explain the irony in the name ‘Faceman’. (2)

(c) Identify the figure of speech in this line. (1)

(d) Explain how this figure of speech is relevant in this extract. (2)

2.2.5 Refer to line 20. (‘He must believe his nightmare is ending.’)

What nightmare is Taiba faced with outside the mine? (1)

2.2.6 One of the themes revealed in the novel is exploitation.

Discuss how this theme is relevant to foreigners and children. (3)

2.2.7 The zama zamas have a choice of not working in the mines.

Discuss your view. (3)



[Regile and Katekani are trying to earn some money.]

2.3.1 Explain how Regile and Katekani make money. (2)

2.3.2 Refer to lines 1–2. (‘See Regile?’ Katekani … up to Papa’s’.)

(a) What tone would Katekani use in these lines? (1)

(b) Why would Katekani use this tone in these lines? (1)

2.3.3 What does Katekani eventually buy with her savings? (2)

2.3.4 Why is Regile interested in what Katekani buys with her money? (1)

2.3.5 Why is this statement FALSE?

Katekani does not go to school because she is disabled. (1)

2.3.6 (a) Who is Katekani’s father? (1)

(b) Discuss the relationship between Katekani and her father. (2)

2.3.7 Quote NINE consecutive words from the extract to prove that Regile has ambitions for being a zama zama. (1)

2.3.8 Explain why Regile wants to be a zama zama although it is dangerous to be working in the mines. (2)

2.3.9 One of the themes in this novel is love and friendship.

Discuss how this theme is relevant to Katekani and Regile. (3)



[Regile lies to save Katekani.]

2.4.1 Refer to lines 1–3. (‘You’re soft … man Spike Maposa.’)

(a) Identify the figure of speech in this line. (1)

(b) Explain how this figure of speech is relevant in this extract. (2)

(c) In your own words, explain what Papa means with ‘that boy with his mouth’ when he refers to Taiba. (1)

2.4.2 Choose the correct answer to compare the following sentence.
Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (2.4.2) in

Papa refers to Katekani as a ‘piece of thrash’ in line 3 because …

A) he has no regard for Katekani.
B) Katekani is disabled.
C) Katekani is dirty.
D) Katekani does not cook well. (1)

2.4.3 Explain how Papa Mavuso finds out that Taiba is missing. (2)

2.4.4 Why is it important that Taiba must find Spike Maposa? (1)

2.4.5 How did the mine people and bank people betray Papa Mavuso? (2)

2.4.6 What does this extract reveal about the character of Papa

Substantiate your answer. (2)

2.4.7 One of the themes in this novel is cyclical violence.

Discuss this theme with relevance to Papa Mavuso and Faceman. (3)

2.4.8 ‘You were like my son. You have betrayed me.’

Papa Mavuso has treated Regile very well, like his own son.

Discuss your view. (3)



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