The letters A to D in the table below represent four organic compounds.

Use the information in the table to answer the questions that follow.
2.1 Write down the:
2.1.1 Letter that represents a ketone (1)
2.1.2 Structural formula of the functional group of compound C (1)
2.1.3 General formula of the homologous series to which compound A belongs (1)
2.1.4 IUPAC name of compound A (3)
2.1.5 IUPAC name of compound B (2)
2.2 Compound D is a gas used in cigarette lighters.
2.2.1 To which homologous series does compound D belong? (1)
2.2.2 Write down the STRUCTURAL FORMULA and IUPAC NAME of a structural isomer of compound D. (4)
2.2.3 Is the isomer in QUESTION 2.2.2 a CHAIN, POSITIONAL or FUNCTIONAL isomer? (1)
2.3 Compound D reacts with bromine (Br2) to form 2-bromobutane.
Write down the name of the:
2.3.1 Homologous series to which 2-bromobutane belongs (1)
2.3.2 Type of reaction that takes place (1)