
Question 5


5.1 Read the passage (TEXT F) below, which has some deliberate errors, and answer the set questions.


5.1.1 Correct the SINGLE error in each of the following sentences. Write down ONLY the question numbers (5.1.1(a)–(d)) and the words you have corrected.

(a) The amount of hidden sugar in processed food are slowly killing us. (1)

(b) Academics and health experts argue that it is not only consumers fault that they are overweight. (1)

(c) Some blame has to be alocated to food producers and the easy access to addictive foods. (1)

(d) Lustig blames refined and processed foods for heart attacks, obesity, strokes, cancers and, of coarse, diabetes. (1)

5.1.2 Refer to the following sentence:

This is according to Fed Up, an American documentary which is narrated by award-winning journalist Katie Couric.

(a) Why is Fed Up written in italics? (1)

(b) What part of speech is the word ‘American’? (1)

5.1.3 Study the following sentence:

This documentary compares the US food industry to the tobacco industry and suggests that it preys on consumers.

Use a homophone for the word preys in a sentence of your own. (2)

5.1.4 Refer to the following sentence:
Professor Robert Lustig of the University of California proposes that sugar is addictive – and most processed foods are full of it.

Provide an antonym for the word processed by using a prefix. (1)

5.1.5 Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech:
He said, ‘When I eat a bowl of cornflakes, it is like eating a bowl of sugar.’ (4)

5.1.6 Refer to the following sentence:

The film works to discredit the idea that one could just outrun a bad diet and claims that food with sugar is still harmful for you, no matter how much you exercise.

Replace the word bad with a suitable synonym. (1)

5.2 Study the following text (TEXT G) and answer the set questions.


5.2.1 Choose the correct word from those given in brackets. Write down ONLY the question numbers (5.2.1(a)–(c)) and the words.

(a) Make-A-Wish International is a (non-governmental/non-governing) organisation. (1)

(b) The child was at his (happy/happiest) when his wish came true. (1)

(c) If I (were/was) rich, I would donate money to Make-A-Wish International. (1)

5.2.2 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
The abbreviation www means …
A world wide website.
B whole wide world.
C world wide web.
D wide world web. (1)

5.2.3 Rewrite the following sentence in the passive voice:
Make-A-Wish International sends a message of hope to families. (1)

5.2.4 Rewrite the following sentence in the present continuous tense:
Make-A-Wish International creates hope and happiness. (1)



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