[The Sergeant gives Duncan a report.]

3.1.1 If you had to introduce the characters to the audience BEFORE the play is performed, how would you introduce Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? (4)
3.1.2 With which country is Scotland at war? (1)
3.1.3 Refer to lines 2–3 (‘As two spent … choke their art’).
(a) Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (3.1.3(a)) in the ANSWER BOOK.
The figure of speech used in this line is …
A personification.
B simile.
C metaphor.
D alliteration. (1)
(b) Explain how this figure of speech emphasises what the Sergeant is saying to Duncan. (2)
3.1.4 What is meant by, ‘unseamed him’ (line 16)? (1)
3.1.5 Refer to line 18 (‘O valiant cousin!’).
(a) To whom does ‘valiant cousin’ refer? (1)
(b) Identify the tone in this line. (1)
(c) Explain the irony in the words ‘O valiant cousin’ in relation to what happens later in the play. (2)
3.1.6 What does this extract reveal about Macdonwald? (2)
3.1.7 Discuss the suitability of the title of the drama, Macbeth. (3)
[Macbeth has a conversation with Lady Macbeth.]

3.2.1 To whom do Glamis and Cawdor refer in lines 3–4 (‘Glamis hath murdered … sleep no more!’)? (1)
3.2.2 (a) Why does Macbeth murder Duncan? Give TWO reasons. (2)
(b) Explain why the following statement is FALSE: Duncan is murdered in his own castle. (1)
3.2.3 Refer to lines 5–11 (‘Who was it … grooms with blood’).
(a) Quote TWO CONSECUTIVE WORDS that indicate that Macbeth has returned with blood on his hands. (1)
(b) Discuss Lady Macbeth’s mood in these lines. (2)
3.2.4 In lines 15–16 Lady Macbeth says, ‘Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers’.
If you were the director of this play, which TWO things would you tell Lady Macbeth to do while saying these lines? (2)
3.2.5 Explain how the theme of appearance versus reality is illustrated in this extract. (3)
3.2.6 Explain the difference between Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s states of mind in this extract. (2)
3.2.7 Consider the play as a whole.
Discuss whether you sympathise with what eventually happens to Lady Macbeth. (3)